by Julián Alberto -

I have defined myself as a doctor of bodies and souls. It is not easy to assume this role, due to the responsibility that this implies, since it considers evaluating the human being in an integral and integrated way, not only biologically, but also psychosocially and spiritually. In addition, I work in an institution whose promise of value is C.A.R.I.S.M.A, which implies offering warm (cálida), friendly (amable), responsible (responsable), informed (informada), safe (segura), enhanced and academic care (mejorada y académica), that is, patient-centred, humane and safe care.

I believe that this care must be delivered to the patient in an efficient and natural way, that each professional carries it in their healthcare DNA, and that it has an impact in supporting patients in their self-management of disease, in achieving health results and in improvement in quality of life.



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